Combat Rating, known as CR, is a statistic possessed by player characters representing the overall item level of equipment.
Raising Combat Rating will unlock in-game content. At the moment, the highest combat rating is 126.
Available ‘On Duty’ Relevant Content!
Here is the list of all available content for players that recently reached Combat Rating 84:
Content Loot complemented with some T5 Equipment will let players to reach CR 100. Here is the list of all available vendors for players that recently reached Combat Rating 84 and need to raise their Combat Rating:
Queue on Challenge, Duos, Alerts, and Raids to start earning Marks of Victory and getting some equipment with Item Level 86+
Alerts and Raids can be harder to do with queue, so you might need to join a helpful League or make your own group to queue together.
Don’t forget to do available Daily missions and Weekly missions to earn additional Marks of Victory.
We recommend players to only by TIER 5.75 with Combat Rating 90. Every T5 set costs the same Marks of Victory, so it is not worth it to get others set but the strongest.
All content have DLC requirements, so players should buy the require DLC to access its content.
adrianomehicano which one is best to buy? dlc war of the light 1 or sons of trigon or origin of crisis. i am now 84 cr. i cant buy all of them i just need one.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Adrianomehicano, War of the Light 1 will let you raise your combat rating until CR 100 but you will need to reach CR 85 to enter Mogo/Ranx Command center. If you buy Sons of Trigon you will only reach CR 98 which is not enough to leave T5 behind. However, Sons of Trigon is the episode with most content in T5.
Cold Hurts I’ve been stuck at CR 98 for a week. I’ve been doing all my duos and alerts,but my raids never ready up. Any extra tips you could give me. I have all T5 content. HELP PLEAZE ;(
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Cold Hurts, you should try to make your own group to enter raids. In fact, most players create their own group instead of queue in journal to enter Raids. Check our combat rating and plan your way up to cr 100. Maybe you have a low cr Neck or Trinket that is keeping you down
Sqweegel Hello I’m stuck on cr 97 doing all t5 stuff over and over seem to be getting cr 83-86 loot which is what k already have. Mods no longer affect cr so what would you advise.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Sqweegel, thanks for your question. Check our Combat Rating Calculator to know more about available content to your CR At that Combat Rating you have 2 challenges, 3 duos, 5 alerts, 3 raids, and 4 Daily missions. I recommend you to do Sons of Trigon Daily missions so you can access special mission that gives you CR 85 Item Level. Go to in Command Center to buy CR 90 directly from lantern vendors
free player why free players cant are welcome on dcuo ? really very unbalanced and limited game really comparated with another mmo’s dcuo is a boring trial
DCUO Bloguide Post authorThanks for sharing your thoughts Free. DCUO allows players to enjoy content until CR 70 and PVP after that players should buy DLC Packs to continue raising their combat rating
iamT What PVE CR is the equivalent of PVP 100 CR? Any help or insight will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello iamT, PVE Cr and PVP Cr are two different things that cant be compared. You need to raise your PVE Cr to unlock PVE Content. On the other hand, raising your combat rating wont make any difference in PVP Arenas or PVP Legends because all stats (including level 10 to level 29) are balanced. PVP CR is only need for players that want to get PVP Armor Style
Marquise M For some strange reason I lost all my marks of triumph and when I start any raid or duty it no longer rewards me with marks of triumph but instead marks of victory. I originally assumed I lost my marks of triumph because I didn’t update my Legendary account. After updating my account recently my marks of triumph still haven’t returned. Please if any one can shed some light on what happened and what I should do? It would be deeply appreciated.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Marquise M, thanks for your question with GU47 all Marks of Triumph was converted to Marks of Victory and all instances give only Marks OF Victory because it is now the universal currency of PVE. However, low content or irrelevant content to your CR wont give you any Marks of Victory so in your journal page you must check the relevance of the content before going in. For example if you are CR 100 you wont receive any marks from T1, T2, T3, and some t4 content.
Citanos Hey, coudl you help me? I was doing some CR calculations and I found that if I have a full T4 set that I can buy in the magic wing, my CR should be 88. But you said that I can’t go over 84, so how that works? Does the game prevent me from buying more gear or something once I reach 84? Or it will cut my stats so I stick with 84?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Citanos, we are still finding a way to update all our Combat Rating Guides because with GU47 the COMBAT RATING is calculated in a different way. You will be able to reach CR 88, the game wont prevent you for reaching more CR but if you dont have access to other Episodes you wont be able to buy higher equipment and your CR will stay the same until you get a new episode with relevant Content.
Mario Frederick so i have a 97 cr what should i be doing to get to 100cr ?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Mario, you should probably get the highest equipment available for you and MOD it with the highest Equipment MODS (Synthetic or Normal mods)
Usman Khan I just want to ask.. In the Mogo command center I don’t see any CR 90… I just see CR 97 and that not for MoT… Plz help
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Usman, for you to access Equipment CR 90 you must have War of the Light:Part 1. It is below TIER 97 set and MODS VI
Deeno Just thought I’d mention at the bottom of this guide it says “after you get the desired 53 cr” haha otherwise very helpful. Are the trigon daily missions random? Or how do they work?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Deeno, thanks for letting us know that misspelled. Daily you will get 3 trigon missions according to each missions pack (Wrath Missions, Lust Missions, or Envy Missions). From each pack of missions you will get 1 random and after completing 5 of the same mission pack youll get special mission to visit a particula DUO and defeat subboss.
The Wannabe NewbieGreat guide but can u help me out? Im stuck at cr 99 and at least 4-5 pieces are item level 90 with V synthetic mods here is where I get upset The rest of my gear consist of item level 89,87,86,85,84 with v mods except for my utility belt witch is still item level 68 so is the belt holding me back? I have done all my t4 and t5 instances and have no replay badges left is there anything I can do?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello The Wannabe, can you please tell us your character’s name and server to check it in the Census app and tell what you need to do to get 100 For what i see you need another utility belt or a trinket (system gets the higher CR from them to use it in CR Calculation) higher than 80 to increase your combat rating.
The Wannabe NewbieMy character’s name is PvtAmaru i play on PS3 USA I guess I’ve tried replaying bia and and no drops came
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello The Wannabe, for what we saw i suggest you change your Hands and your Head with a higher CR item. If you do it you will be able to reach CR 100 with mods. Prioritize the head and mod it
ObsidianSoul You can now buy mods from the t4-t5 vendors, I was stuck on 97-99 CR for awhile, farming exobytes until I stumbled across these mods, they cost about 625 Marks of Victory and around $1200 cash, and give good stats “Vit +16” since I’m troll Might +27, took me from 97 too 102 in no time.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Person, for what we calculate in Combat rating calculator, for reaching 100 with Sons of Trigon you will need to buy all TIER CR 86 + WEAPON CR 85 (dropped in Trigon’s Prison) + fully equipped with VI Expert MODS (this is the hardest thing because you need for some friend to craft the mod for you).
Lee If the highest tier has the CR of 90, how can one get to CR 100? If the answer is with equipment mods, can I get to CR 100 being premium? As premium, I can only use Equipment mods I due to the cash limit of $2000. Plz answer, thx.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorOf course you can get cr 100 With equipment mods. However, you will need for some legendaries friends to buy you equipment interface for you to make your mods, or you can tell your friends to make these mods
Lee What I used synthetic mods instead? Will that work?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorOf course Lee, if you use Synthetic MODS sold by PVE Vendors. It will increase your combat rating as if you were using NORMAL MODS.
Taylor Thanks to your guide I’m doing terrible… I just kidding my CR is 94 because of your help. Anyways could you explain how I could get my health high, my DPS is fine I just die too quickly. Should I start using health mods… Would it bring down my precision/might? I need help.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Taylor, it is normal that you die fast because you doesnt have enough defense in your equipment to hold on enemies’ attacks. Focus on precision because you are rage and if you want to survive a little longer you should master avoiding RageCrash I recommend you to start doing feats because you only have 45 skill points and it is recommended that your skill points always be higher than your combat rating. Check feat guides here
yosef aryerteyIs there a certain type of currency for dlc 8
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Yosef, all DLC Packs until the 9th use Marks of Triumph as main currency which means all T5 equipment can be bought with Marks of Triumph.
notnicecream Where is the 5.75 gear located? I went to the command center and theres only cr97 gear.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Notnicecream. In the command center is a lantern that sells you the 90 combat rating armor. If you are Hero you can get the Scion of Ion 90 CR set or if you are villain you can get Disciple of Parallax 90 CR set. Maybe with the new DLC some things have change and if the same vendor sell 5.75 and 6.75 gear maybe you should look at the bottom of the list
Usman Khan Okay man I’ll check again. Thanks a bunch man Tho this website gave me a weird name tho :’) If u don’t I would like some tips.. My in game name is UsmanKhan I know my SP are very low :/
Usman Khan *don’t mind
math hoffa Helpp i got the the war of light part 1 dlc, and i still cant teleport to command centre , everytime i go on it, it shows a green lantern symbol
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Math, you need to reach CR 84 to get into Command Center. However, if you still cant get in maybe is a bugged. You should contact DCUO directly for more information
math hoffa Thank you so much i thought i was doing something wrong
DCUO Bloguide Post authorNo problem Math, we are here to help
vSuperman DC Ok I bought legendary membership and I was wondering where is the command center?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello VsupermanDC, the command center portal can be found in the Headquarters. In the Hall of Doom, it is located at the center near the styles’ terminal vendors. In the Watchtower, they can be found at northeast of the Headquearter you will be able to see Earth in the big window
Natsu Kurosaki when will you put a guide to get from 100 to 106 cr?
Alekimsior Can you really get a Controller Trinket for just purchasing Halls of Power? What CR is it? Do you also get the trinket if you’re Legendary? Also, any idea what is the item drop rate? Currently CR 87, and all the gear I get , from raids, aren’t even for my role, so my stats are terrible. Makes me wish more items were simply Account Locked, rather than exlusively dumpable.
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Alekimsior, Epic Trinkets are very very very rare to be dropped more if you are premium because legendaries can use replay badges to unlock raids loot everytime they want so they have more probabilities to have them dropped. These items can also be dropped from Promethium Boxes which are also available for Legendary. Dont worry about your gear now just try to raise your CR over 100 where you will be able to choose what role do you want the item to become. You will just need luck to get the item dropped and then choose if you want to be DPS or for your alternate ROLE
Bradley Paterson I saw in your Tier 5.75 section with the additional items what looks like a Utility Belt for 18,750 Marks of Triumph, where is this purchasable? Currently when I play DCUO I’m a premium user and don’t have access to Tier 6 as I want to clear a backlog of feats before adventuring into Amazon Fury and Halls of Power. Can you please advise in relation to the utility belt as I will need to start spec in the alternate role also. Regards Emerald Lad (EUPS)
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Bradley, we are sorry to tell you that there is no Utility Belt for T5. 18750 Marks of Triumph is the cost for T5 Trinkets and we used that image to relate trinkets with it
Bradley Paterson In that case where can I locate the best utility belts for DPS and Controller? I have tried websites like DCUO-db however they only have up to lvl 87 however these drop Family Reunion and Brother in Arms. Would these be the best belts to go after? Regards Emerald Lad (EUPS)
DCUO Bloguide Post authorYou can find utility Belts in BIA, FR, and Paradox. However, if you have enough CR i advice you to go ahead. With Halls of Power, you can get a great Utility Belt by just buying it
Jon I am getting a 2nd character and my buddy through t5 on the way to t6 now. that being said i cannot seem to recal when the Monthly reward resets. we dont want to waste replay badges when we are so close to the beginning of the month and i was hoping you might be able to refresh my memory as to when the monthly rewards resets obviously weekly is every thursday but what about monthly?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Jon, i have been able to test it and i think it resets exactly 4 weeks after you make the instance. For example, if you did the instance at July 4, your monthly reward will be resetted at July 31 (exactly 4 weeks reset). I really believe this is how the reset works but i am not 100% sure of it
Jon so if i reset the raid with reply badges then would it be based off of when i was last locked out or the first time i was locked out on a 4 week basis???
DCUO Bloguide Post authorI certainly dont know how the montly reset works with replay badges. I havent use badges for resetting instance
Nimz AlucardI was thinking about focusing on feats after i reach combat rating 106, do you think that’s a good idea?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Nimz, it is easier to do feats when you are high CR. I personally reach CR 100 to start doing heavy feats like Fast runs, alerts, and raids feats. If you dont have more quests to do then start doing easy feats: Races, Collectibles, Solo, Exploration.
Martin i got full t5 gear but im only 94 cr what do i have to do to get 100
DCUO Bloguide Post authorYou should MOD your T5 set fast as you can. You can do legends and buy Synthetic Mods with Marks of Valor from PVP Vendors or make lots of T5 instance and by Synthetic Mods with Marks of Triumph from PVE T5 Vendors
Calek Frost Is that before or after the weekly bonus
DCUO Bloguide Post authorHello Calek, thanks for your comment. Can you explain us your question better? what are you refering with before or after the weekly bonus?
DCUO Bloguide Post authorThanks Aavin for your comment, we will soon make “Combat Rating: CR 100 to CR 106” guide
Brad A paragraph above states that “With Marks of Triumph rewarded, players should buy pieces until they get to CR103”. Is this correct? Can we buy T5 gear with marks of triumph now?
dcuobloguide Post authorHello Brad, thanks for your comment. With GU36, Marks of Reality are gone and T5 will drop Marks of Triumph we will soon update all our guides
i am now 84 cr. i cant buy all of them i just need one.
At that Combat Rating you have 2 challenges, 3 duos, 5 alerts, 3 raids, and 4 Daily missions. I recommend you to do Sons of Trigon Daily missions so you can access special mission that gives you CR 85 Item Level. Go to in Command Center to buy CR 90 directly from lantern vendors
PVP CR is only need for players that want to get PVP Armor Style
I was doing some CR calculations and I found that if I have a full T4 set that I can buy in the magic wing, my CR should be 88. But you said that I can’t go over 84, so how that works? Does the game prevent me from buying more gear or something once I reach 84? Or it will cut my stats so I stick with 84?
You will be able to reach CR 88, the game wont prevent you for reaching more CR but if you dont have access to other Episodes you wont be able to buy higher equipment and your CR will stay the same until you get a new episode with relevant Content.
The rest of my gear consist of item level 89,87,86,85,84 with v mods except for my utility belt witch is still item level 68 so is the belt holding me back? I have done all my t4 and t5 instances and have no replay badges left is there anything I can do?
I recommend you to start doing feats because you only have 45 skill points and it is recommended that your skill points always be higher than your combat rating. Check feat guides here
If u don’t I would like some tips.. My in game name is UsmanKhan
I know my SP are very low :/
Also, any idea what is the item drop rate? Currently CR 87, and all the gear I get , from raids, aren’t even for my role, so my stats are terrible. Makes me wish more items were simply Account Locked, rather than exlusively dumpable.
Dont worry about your gear now just try to raise your CR over 100 where you will be able to choose what role do you want the item to become. You will just need luck to get the item dropped and then choose if you want to be DPS or for your alternate ROLE
Currently when I play DCUO I’m a premium user and don’t have access to Tier 6 as I want to clear a backlog of feats before adventuring into Amazon Fury and Halls of Power.
Can you please advise in relation to the utility belt as I will need to start spec in the alternate role also.
Emerald Lad (EUPS)
I have tried websites like DCUO-db however they only have up to lvl 87 however these drop Family Reunion and Brother in Arms.
Would these be the best belts to go after?
Emerald Lad (EUPS)
It can be seen in this video: